1. Blurb for youtube fishing gadgets;
    I invented a fishing gadget and I need your feedback on its potential usefulness. (See “Trobber”) It’s a wind-powered bobber that can carry your lure way further than you could cast, troll silently along a shore, zig-zag around covering a lot of territory, etc. I’m not a fisher so I probably haven’t thought of all the uses. Say you wanted to troll upstream on a river. If the wind is going upstream, you could. The Trobber automatically follows the wind, changing course any time the wind does. So if the wind is steady in one direction, you can go as far as you want and sit there, or reel in and troll. If the wind is variable, you can let the Trobber troll around autonomously. I can’t make very many of these things by hand; I need a manufacturer. Trobbers could be made very cheaply from a mold. Help!

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