1. I will definitely have to try the homemade depth finder because one of the farm ponds I fish is on the downhill side of a field that they plow at least twice a year and on end has a lot of silt that has washed down, but on the levee side it has a nice depth, the owner says that it's 15' but they dug it out about 15 years ago, so it would be nice to know how deep it truly is. It would definitely help with the abandoned gravel pit too, I've actually used a crankbait that ran 11' and it didn't hit the bottom until I got closer to the bank. I definitely need to get my "IKEA" collapsible laundry bag, since even though I've been a stringer and then a 5 gallon bucket to bring a few home when I feel like eating fish for supper. I generally catch & release, especially the big ones and definitely if I happen to catch one off the bed. 99% of the time I will catch & release unless I'm catching a few for supper or if I happen to accidentally gut hook one and that if I release him, he would die.

  2. i love watching cats and carp on almost a daily basis. this video was awesome, i thank you for the tricks they're going to be fun to try out. i love the livewell idea. i never thought of it. Usually id use a 5gal bucket. Drilling holes and losing buckets starts to get a bit costly and irritating after a couple seasons.

  3. As always, brilliant Ideas, and very well presented.
    As you teach, you always seem to make fishing fun.
    “Although”, I must say that I most likely enjoy
    and have more fun fishing than other people who do not catch many fish.
    I appreciate and enjoy every bit of the learning process.
    Thank You from a “very happy and grateful Fisherman”.
    Note: I did not say “Catcher” Ha Ha

  4. Thanks to you now I don't have to wonder how deep the area i'm fishing in….. I like to dead stick when i'm fishing and your hack is the perfect solution … Thanks for sharing and making great videos . One thing is I miss your two sons in the video.. Have a great day….. Sy

  5. iam an amateur fishing enthusiast from India. haven't used the modern fishing equipment till time. i used bamboo poles with bobber and fish in banks of small rivers. now i want to learn more about modern equipments. we have rivers in our home village max width less than 30 meters and min 5 metres. cat fishs and carps are there with small.fishes of less than 500gm too. To start with what should I do?which type of rod? which spinning reel? what type of baits? shall i use bobber to alarm the catch of fish? kindly provide your email to contact more , if dont bother.Thank you

  6. for fish smell I always used peroxide. wash my hands with soap. then rinse the soap off pour a little peroxide into my hands rub them together pretty good rinse it off then use soap once more and boom hands smell good and bacteria free!

  7. …..line clip. thank you holy crap. I asked people for years what this thing was and no one knew or would admit they knew. One day it just fell off my reel and I was like well I wonder what the hell that was.

  8. have you been using vinegar instead of Windex for several years now I've been using this baking soda and vinegar in a spray bottle you like make sure it reacts almost completely but then you put the lid on it and you can shake it up and you can spread on your neck your hands and L that's the way I've been using it I finally found a recipe that's one tablespoon to one of the biggest spray balls that you can get like $1 ones for the dollar store you get a spray bottle from there and that's so I don't know I 16 ounce bottle panda you put the teaspoon of baking soda in first usually not a piece of paper into put it on the page paper and Rocket into the bottle making sure you get all the baking soda that you put on it into the bottle and then you will take a final unless it's a piece of aluminum foil that you didn't use it then you can run the vinegar right in on it you can use a funnel or a piece of aluminum foil to make it though the V shape that's how I Like It Raw cuz you was I would put the money into the V end of the neck of the bottle and put your powder and then you would run your vinegar slowly and as it reacts and is it start the reaction starts to die down a little bit more vinegar until you get the bottle Half Way full and then the rest of the way you would fill with water and that gives you the right dilution every time 2 get them to deodorize your net your hands and you do not have to use the Windex with ammonia cause ammonia will destroy your liver pancreas and kidneys butter if you want to keep his heart organs healthy and keep living I had to do this because it's a lot better for the environment and your body thank you for your videos I really really like him why I'm going to leave any suggestions I want to keep you alive thank you for your videos

  9. I found it works really good on my hands is baking soda and white distilled vinegar together with water will get rid of most of the odor along with a little bit of soap all together Andale deodorize it a lot better

  10. Ikea laundry basket as you call it can be found at Walmart and just about any other store in America what do I use a pool noodle around me I like using wire and pull noodles on the edge of mine that doesn't sync that always works for me yep

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