1. Hey dude, I love your videos, watching them every day bro! Can you give me some tips on how to get better rods and reels? I am currently using a Seasoned Black SUbmarine Rod with a Comfortable glass surf reel. The glass surf reel is providing 4020 damage while the rod is providing 4212, but I am finding that it is not strong enough and I struggle a lot of times to catch the higher rating fish like the boss and the mahi mahi(i missed this one 3 times already). My line as 1.7k feet in length. Can you give me some suggestions on what I should do to get this up. Should I change my equipment or do something else? Thank you!

  2. Hi DeMoNs Sky, thanks for the helpful videos! Now can you tell me why you are not using a 'basic lure' and a Hawaiian HiEnd lure? Is this a secret? Thanks in adv! Awesome work, keep it up!

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