1. Your wife caught how many? Why isn’t she on the video? She must be making the video’s. If she gets the flu who is going to make the soup? You best get well quick. Glenn

  2. Hey Luke, do you ever fish the same school of shad that you also catch your bait from . in other words, when you catch your bait, do you ever fish for catfish in that same school or do you move on to find another school

  3. @ catfishing and carp I have some rode holders and I was wondering if u could give them a try and see what u think about them my number is +16824594774. Text me and I can work it out with u I’m try to start up a business of rod holders plz

  4. One video Luke is waist deep in iced over water, breaking said ice with a sledge hammer in order to launch his boat… next video. Sick fo' dayzzz lol get well sir.

  5. Nicely done and quite creative Luke. It comes at a good time for me as well as I have been scrutinizing the work on my own channel and scratching my head at why certain videos just seem to do nothing while other videos do well.

  6. Ya know we all get sick from time to time. I think it shows great character and tenacity to go ahead and put up a video. Thanks. I am fairly new to the channel and would have missed out on some great fishing moments had I not watched this episode. Again thanks. I hope you are back on your feet soon.

  7. I've seen every video along with my wife she watches too now , I watched em all again so she could see em , and I must say you guys feel like family even though you don't know us lol , I even watch the first 1 with the bell 4 times it gives me hope I might get better lol , I hope you get well soon brother ,,,,,,ps that Jacobs a cutie

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