1. Selling your fish to velia npc is very bad for making money.. you need to have a node route taking you as far as you can from Velia (not Heidel it is almost next to it) and you can get a huge bonus, it does not take time walking you can just transport the fish to that city (the cost of transport is nothing compared to the profit it will give you and than than just sell them all to the npc there when ur done fishing so you can just transport loads of fishing trips and leave them their and turn it all in before they expire. also by transport I am talking about warehouse tranport u are not moving them urself just going to that place one after ur done fishing and you can just be afk and do something else while ur char is walking for like 10 minutes

  2. Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for all of the great information. I took my fishing boat on its maiden voyage (I'm actually still on the maiden voyage atm), and on my 2nd group of fish I pulled 3 of the Coelacanth on one single cast. Very cool. Again, thanks for the info'. So very helpful! 🙂

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