1. I've only been a subscriber for about a year, but I have to say your videos are great! The editing and commenting are more professional than ever! Keep up the great work and keep on catchin!

  2. When you'll catch fish what you'll don't eat. Do a catch clean and cook and feed them to the homeless people instead of letting food go what people would like to eat. I am from the Bahamas and we are a county of giving so please try to do the same please.

  3. darcizzile, love the videos. love the new boat. i am planning on getting a new boat this spring.
    I have a question though..do you have a bandage or something on you shoulder/neck?

  4. I'll take getting cut up by a tail rather then then trebles. I've had multiple trebles hook me in the arm and the leg and I've had a few hook me in the back of the head in the pressure point which is even more painful removing a hook from rather than just having it hit or pushed on

  5. Tackle time was AWESOME! Really great addition to the videos, please defiantly put me down for more tackle time!!! BTW I think it would be cool to see Brian do some tackle time work, I think he's pretty good with that stuff…. I'd also love to see you guys teach us some of your favorite knots and full rig building videos step by step. Thanks again!!

  6. Hugh jack Darcey nice catch,Ouch careful with there tail another nice catch….Great presentation on your tackle time love that CABO 80 rig up especially for big game. As usual great video 😉

  7. No damage to fish from handling them with dry hands? Old rumor? Internet fact? (On the internet you can find any answer you want to find . The internet makes looking for facts like dumpster diving and almost not worth the trouble. )

  8. Darcie, I've been watching the new season of Blue Planet 2 on BBC America, and I told myself the next time you posted a video of a huge Jack, that I would tell you that episode 1 made me think of you.. I cannot remember exactly where they were, but they were showing footage of huge Jacks, like the first one you caught, basically leaping out of the water to catch what looked like seagulls.. Have you ever seen a huge Jack jump out of the water, that wasn't hooked??

  9. Brian:
    I realize da CIZZLER is a fisher-woman anytime she is n the proximity of water ,,, but ,,,
    NOW she's a MAGICIAN LADY on Dry Land with stuff appearing outta nowhere right smack dab N her pretty hands =

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