1. Bleach >.< … Ammonia is the worst thing for fish and they add bleach. The over cleaning though is a great point, especially the rinsing the filter out in tap water. Nice tank talk. Any chance you can make the ads a bit smaller on the screen in the future? It hides your wonderful fish backdrop.

  2. John you're a true inspiration!! Watching your video's made me dump my 60 Gallon and upgrade to a 150 Gallon with a Universal Rocks Background. Thanks So much for all the videos!

  3. Hi mate , ive just found this channel as i was looking for some help and info on my new fluval fx6,  i'm just about to set up my new juwel trigon 350 corner unit tank , once ive got everything sorted i would like to keep discus, can i ask what other fish i can add to the tank , i have a golden nugget , rummy nose , and bleeding hearts to put in , i'm looking for maybe some other kind of cichlids / rams , thanks

  4. Hi John,
    Thanks for another great informative video. I have a question for you and your viewers. I've just had a virus (probably fungal) go through several of my tanks and kill 50 – 60 fish from African and American cichlids to our goldfish. What should I use to clean my tanks, filters, substrate etc so I can rehouse fish and have some clean hospital tanks. We have gone from 11 tanks down to 7 and want to clean everything to remove this highly contagious killer.

  5. I've taken in a cichild (I believe he is a Melanchromis auratus.  Owner didn't want him and was gonna flush the poor guy.  He has lived alone his whole life, but should I get him some tank mates?  He seems pretty aggressive (when he eats) and is super alert, smart, and fast!  Past owner says he killed every fish they put in.  Is he better off being alone or should I get him some company, even if it's a snail (although I think he would probably kill a snail too lol)

  6. Not that I would recommend mixing cichlids from different places in the world BUT so many of the cichlids we get now a days are tank raised down in Florida and can be kept with a larger range of water conditions. While I never keep cichlids at anything lower than a 7.6/7.8 Ph (8.2 for Tanganyikas), the ones coming out of Florida can survive in a Ph as low as 7. This does allow you to mix fish that shouldn't normally go together if the tank setup is compatable for both types of fish. (Again, I would never do this but just to play devils advocate, it can be done with tank raised fish)

  7. Love your videos. But damn is there a lot of talk straying from the topic of the videos. Right now I'm listening to your rant about that podcast drama thing or what ever it is. What does that have to do with common fish keeping mistakes? Wish you would stick to the topic and nothing else.

  8. I have 4 venustus in a 55 right now I'm an awful person. I can afford a bigger tank it's diff in the budget but if I got a bigger tank I think I would get into trouble with the woman lol.

  9. Kind of a tangent, but do plecos have any place with Africans? I have two large common plecos, and wondering if I get rid of them.. Anyone else keep plecos in with their AC's?

  10. I have been keeping fish for over 30yrs and until recently  I was cleaning my filters completely in the tub!  I got a 125g and could not get the tank right! Clean all the bacteria off.  

  11. I like the new backdrop…who ever gets tired of looking at fish?? not me.Totally agree that people need to do research before buying fish..I researched mbunas for months before I got my first mbuna…really no excuse now not researching with the internet…lots of good places to get info..I always go to forums such as African Cichlid Hub as these guys normally have good experience to gleen..you also need to have a list of questions covering every aspect..water, substrate, filtration, food, feeding, breeding, behaviour, etc…. 

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