1. Beginners Question! I see videos on youtube when people do water changes, if tap water kills fish why do people fill their tanks directly from tap with a hose and when full then they add conditioner?

  2. I work at a pretty nice fish shop in my area, like we're looked up to by many, many hobbyists and new comers. And I swear, everyday, there's always at least a few customers who come to explaining their problems and the first thing I ask is "did you cycle your tank?" and the reply is always… "cycle?". Then I get to explain the nitrogen cycle all over again. lol

  3. I once paid my aunt to feed the fish in my three tanks while I was gone for four days (I had two tanks of guppy and platy fry)And she let my cousin who has Down syndrome feed them! He dumped almost a whole can of flakes between the three tanks, When I got back there was a thick layer of slug along the tops. I cleaned it up, but the worst part was that guppies and platies will eat until their stomachs explode. It took days for some of my fish to die and I'm sure they were in agony. Of about 200 fish only 15 survived. I didn't speak to my aunt for a year I was so mad

  4. Hi im new to the hobby and im setting up a 100 gallon tank in a week or two could someone tell me what the fish is called with the camoflage spots and green tail and head its awesome thanks…

  5. oh yeah are we twins seperated at birth lol! love the flash, love the arrow, love gotham,love daredevil , love the walking dead ! great stuff and im only just getting into keeping an aquarium . just started the fishless cycle and i am having to do some meditation stuff to stay patient! lol ! im doing the ammonia tests and reading up about plants ,lighting, and of course which fish i like and are good for a community tank !
    im going for a natural look !
    good to hear about mistakes that are often made , thanks for the video !!!

  6. Hey man love ur videos been a member for a while now I just wanted to see if u could talk about other african cichlid not the ones from the two major lakes but other african cichlid like the red jewel I didn't know these were african cichlid or the fact that they lay eggs on a flat surface instead of holding them. U probably spoke about that already but I didn't run into it yet and I know u said e-mail u but I don't think I will im a bit lazy too and if u can talk about other cichlid that grows the big head like the frontosa

  7. I know im a little late here, but. I feel the sameeeee way about The Flash and Arrow. I love Arrow in particular, and I have no one to talk to about it haha. My girlfriend is more of a Marvel only kinda person so she just doesn't really care much for it. Check out Gotham, is a really interesting take on the Batman world.

  8. I had to comment….You should watch Gotham to round out your week.  On of the best show on TV!  My top 5: Walking Dead, Gotham, The Flash, Justified, Zombie Nation (sci-fi channel)..Don't hate.

  9. Thank u for all the great information, videos n teaching people to do the things right the first time around I appreciate … My question is can string reyes and Africa cichlids live together with any problems ?

  10. Hi John, appreciate both the vids and the podcasts.  I have just a quick question: I have 12 juvenille mbunas in a 75g..they swim along the front of the tank and at a certain point dive at the sand and rub themselves against it.  They have created a divot they are doing it so often.  I thought it might be ich but all fish are eating, active and there is no visable white spots on them.  They have only been in this tank (tank was fully cycled first) for just over a week.  I have noticed that the area they are dioing it in has more small  (1-2mm) pebbles than the other areas…could they just be scratching because it feels good or could it be a territorial thing?  I will be dosing some salt on monday just to be sure.

  11. Love the video! I watch them all and then again most of the time.lol. i am always learning something new when I watch. The more details/ personal examples the better.

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