1. I know exactly what you mean. I forgot so many things like, camera, microphone, sd cards, firesteels… so now I carry like 3 lighters in every pouch and like 10 extra batteries for filming lol.

  2. i wish we had 2nd amendments here!! id love it!! id be armed up to the teeth like bladerunner!!
    dont like govts telling me all i can.legally own is a swiss penknife and a peashooter
    for our only self defences!!

  3. thats good im english so id probably just get shot at every other day!!
    i remember going up to a old sweet lady in nyc to ask her the way to grand central stn
    as i walked up to her to ask her at midday in a business plaza
    trees flowers gardens around us
    she stopped dead
    gave me a glare
    fumbled in her hand bag
    then took out a huge gun
    out of her sparkly handbag
    had horn rimmed glasses on
    squinted hard again at me pointed her gun my way
    and then says get outa my face you mffka!!
    she was deaf as a post hadnt heard a word id had to say?
    gun went click as hammer cocked
    i took three large steps back tried explaining to her i only wanted to know the way?
    she made darned sure i wasnt bulling her before she smiled laughed to herself after a passer bye saw what happened explained to her that i was no threat to her in anyway?
    she said oh sorry yer an english tourist sorry for all that bye the way
    you can just never be to careful
    in this town!!
    she asked me again what i wanted to know we had a real laugh when she told me i could put my hands back down again
    i offered for her to try & shoot me again if it really would make her day?
    but after that exp i tended to hail peoples more
    from a distances
    i did home delivery once in los angeles ca and almost got blown away
    as here in uk you just open up someones gate walk up their pathway knock on their front door
    but not in LA!!
    had a crack fueled mastiff let out the door on me
    guns poked through cracks in the door at me
    i had to leg it back down the path jumping the gate dive headfirst into open window of my car then.get rest of my body insides car away from a mastiff that had grabbed by boots n laces sticking out of car door
    i had to play tug of war with this dog as owners came out the house asked me what i wanted with them.etc?
    it was only a home delivery that got posted to us by mistake
    so i decided to drop it off to them correct adress on our way out the city but it was in south east la i was on my way to joshua tree
    and san diego
    the neighbourhood wasnt great
    bye the way!!
    but they called n grabbed their dogs back gratefully thanked me when they realised that i was just doing them.a favors.opened up box found theyd missed the delivery
    they thanked me gave me a beer etc asked me what i was doing in.la
    after that i gave up going up peoples drives in usa always called firstly?

  4. i knew i had put the pegs poles in the car
    but when we got there after driving 600miles at night in foul weather finally got there couldnt see them anywhere obvious
    they had slipped down side wall of the trunk behind carpet fell into a panel void of the car
    wasnt my car so i didnt notice it until we got back down south again
    the look of incredulity
    on my mates face
    my father wasnt surprised he knows me went to town adding more heaping more coals on the fire of my derisions
    however i did point out to everyone that i had not forgotten them
    as i had firmly claimed
    just could not relocate them again at night in the teeth of gale storm and blizzard
    theyd like vanished on way up
    in some way
    murphys law says you find them again when least needed as thats what happened to us on the day!!
    how i never got lynched by wet cold tired campers is beyonds me
    but i didnt forget

  5. i love your boots!! nice pack too
    why is there no macho gun toting man around to assist help protect you from the unmentionables
    out on yer own in the woods!!?
    the reason i ask is that
    i wouldnt like you ever bumping into a person like me?
    coming across a lone woman out in the woods!!?
    it looks cold there?
    what state is this in?
    nice shape of ridge tent
    nobody ever learns properly without ever making mistakes!
    owning them improving upon your own perf is very important!
    thing to be able to do
    otherwise we just dont improve!
    if you had a stove or cooker
    you could have gone ahead
    or sunlight you could have got out a magnifying lens
    but we all been there
    we live too fast these days our heads get over stressed we forget things in a rush
    everyones living at 100mph
    i like to stash things important like firelighting kit everywhere
    then forget about it
    so when i do forget my main kit for whatever reason
    i invariably can search my pack and find something to light a fire with
    on me my jacket or in spare pkts tucked away
    i know the feeling
    as it takes a shitloads of efforts to just get out there
    you must have been really pissed off!!
    i may gone to bed without a fire
    but not much fun in that is there?
    as a fire makes a camp in the cold
    all i can say is that its very easily done
    by the way
    my advices to you is buy a pack of lighters matches or ferro rods stash them allover yer pack or clothing with tinder or cotton buds ready to go youll never be without it that way
    its an old SAS trick i carry everything im ever likely to ever need importantly in my camo smock so even if you get seperated from yer pack youve still got stuff stashed allover you to get you fired up and on yer way
    i carry mres in pkts
    and cordages bandages lighting
    etc compasses whistles
    etc scarfs hats spare etc all on me
    you can get fire or shelters up survive straight out the jkt or smock!
    learn to make up more than 1 kit then stash a few extras out of the way
    forget about them until you really then do need it
    because of any oversight along the way it has saved me many times
    doing things this way
    i take spare pegs out aswell as these are often crucial if you have forgotten pegs for yer tent in some way
    i have been laying flat ina blizzard in scotland hands freezing cold trying to whittle a flexible branch into tent stakes
    21 of them i needed bye the way
    cuz i forgot the pegs after driving over 600miles
    i was sure i put them in back of car
    tent was sagging for 3 days had to go out recut some pegs set rocks up to hold up tent in storms gales etc
    and when i got back i found them they had slipped down behinds carpet liner of car trunk
    i was soundly berated by all
    for my mistake
    as we almost got hypothermic cutting 21 pegs in the teeth of a blizzard but no trees anywhere in scotland much
    in mid winter
    on coastal campsite
    exposed to fury of the atlantic
    how the tent held up was more a miracle to the flexibility of the type of branch i used.
    as it flexed in the winds didnt break but tent sagged a fair bit had to replace with large rocks off the beach every 2 hours
    not an ideal start to a camping holiday


  6. Don't feel bad, just live, and learn,..! I teach wilderness preparedness (wilderness survival, for weekend hunters), as a volunteer with the state "Hunter Safety Education" program, and (while soloing), there have been several times over the years that I have just flat out, gone brain dead forgetting important items,… I'm proud of you girl, you admit it, and own it, that's a lot more than many so called seasoned "Bushcrafters" will do,… lol

  7. I once brought the sheath minus the knife out to camp one time. I left the knife on the kitchen counter after cutting open a bag of something before I left the house, duh! Now I carry a spare knife (a Mora) in the glove compartment in case I do it again. I also carry spare Bic lighters and a 6"X1/2" ferro rod in the console of my car. We're only humans, born to make mistakes. But we learn. …..

  8. A person who has never made a mistake tell them that they have never done anything Two is one one is none watching your redemption now really enjoy your videos your videos are up there with Shawn Lilly and joe videos

  9. Always have a backup plan, if you somehow get separated from your backpack. Like one of those keychain flint things always on your keys, extra lighter in pocket etc Bummer but what can you do, that's how we learn.

  10. I just love your guys’ dog. I think I just about have the Mrs. on board with it, too. What a great camping dog; has she been in any dangerous situations? Anyway, I need to get back and watch the rest of your video. Is Hubby doing the camera work?

  11. I don't know how I stumbled upon your channel but I find you amazing. I understand your frustration but what a great opportunity you learn from. I'm an older woman trying to change my life. And you, out of the blue, are some one I've found, that I get to learn from. Thanks for a great video and lesson. I'm a new subscriber because of your integrity. Take care and be well.

  12. Good on ya for calling it and packing out. AND uploading this video because, no matter who you are, you're people, and people can make mistakes. No need to hide it. Thank you.

  13. Another fail, ha ha ha.. The trees at 1:53 were not cut by Beavers. They were cut with a saw by a Human Being. Plus there is no river or stream visible nearby. And for some reason, I knew it was fire or food. Poor thing. Try again. Kudos for going it alone. If you were my friend. I would buy you a new modern tent. Not let you use what we were issued in The Army in the 60's.

  14. planning an overnight camping trip on South Manitou Island this year with Ron and Ron…lol…and my sons!! i take your videos to heart and love learning about nature, camping, wildlife, and flat-out life in general!! failure is the great teacher, right, Brooke? 🙂

  15. Girl in the Woods : Check @ 2:07 Possible Juvenile Bigfoot standing between the very large " Y " tree trunks on the right side of screen ! *Full screen view 480p >>720pHD @ 125% zoom , Freeze frame & toggle [ jog ] frames slowly to see movement of face & body !
    The very large tree that has 2 tree trunks , the young Bigfoot is standing in the crook between the two trunks of this tree ! Please be careful when camping out alone , good to see you bring your dog along for protection ! Thanks S.S.S./*Tom

  16. Congratulations Brooke ! Yes ~ Failing so close to home today , may now save your life tomorrow when you are outdoors in Deep Woods Country !!!
    Scout's Survival Tip # 1 : Buy a couple of packs of Wind & Waterproof -Strike Anywhere Matches ! Now open boxes & separate them in small piles , take half of the matchsticks and dip in hot beeswax [ protection for long term storage ] , the other half will be for quick ready use … Now place the small separate piles of matchsticks into small plastic waterproof bottles [ example : Small tubes of Tylenol/Advil ] Test bottles first to make sure they are 100 % watertight and pack mixed matchsticks[regular & waxed] into dry bottles/tubes … Place matches in bottles on each of your upper & lower body like pants pockets and coat pockets . Put some of the matches in your backpacks pockets etc…!
    ***IMPORTANT : Take one of the packed bottles/tubes with the mixed matches , and make this into a necklace with a twine or buckskin rope … Always wear this around your neck and under your clothes when out and about into the woods ! No matter if you lose or tear clothes , backpacks , jackets etc.. The matchstick necklace will be with you at all times as long as the rope holding the bottle stays strong & sturdy , matches close by ready to light a fire and save your life ! Thanks ~ S.S.S./*Tom

  17. lady two bits of dry wood, make a bow with twig and string, put one bit of wood on the ground after making a small dent hole in it, wrap the string of the bow around the other bit, and place it at right angles in the dent on the floor bit, and hold it down with something at the top, then use the bow to twist the upright bit backwards and forwards, the spin will create friction the friction will create heat heat will create fire, then you just need something small and flammable to transfer the flame to, to get a fire started, then slowly keep adding to it untill its large enough to burn twigs and then obviously branches, sorry if that sounds patronising its not intentional, its for everyone to read, so i tried to make it as clear as possible, if you were a smoker that would never happen

  18. you peg the first two corners then put your front pole in along the ground, then you attach your front guy ropes to the pole, and slowly pull it up into place from one side at a time keeping both sides eaquel as you go, you can use a tent peg, to hold it roughly where they will end up, then adjust the ropes to provide the tension, when the pole is upright then you can adjust the position of the pegs and hammer them home, once you get one pole up, do the same the other end, then you can peg out the sides, modern tents, have a built in, ground sheet and side panels, their also double skinned, so you have an air gap between the inner and outer walls, ps, always hammer your pegs at a 45% angle it holds better

  19. lady you must be related to a pack mule, that is some heavy back pack, do you really need all that gear ? i would normally agree with you about army surplus, but, modern tents, are so much lighter and still roomy, and really weather proof and warm inside

  20. My buddies and I did something similar 15 or so years back when we forgot to bring the tent poles and stakes for the big eight man tent we were using. Since there was pretty much no improvising for what we needed, someone volunteered to go back and get what we needed – 80 miles from home – and they were back in a blistering two hours or so. That's 160 miles of driving at some ungodly speeds that I'm glad I was not any part of. They saved the day and we enjoyed a weekend of camping out in the woods. A very memorable memory we all still talk about to this day.

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