1. I thought I shared this story already, but maybe not…
    In Nov. of last year, on the 6th, (It was a Friday) I took a friend out for the day because his boat was down for a couple weeks. After a morning of fishing in 50 deg. water, and catching a few small fish, his g/f called and needed his help, so I dropped him off at the boat ramp and went back out by myself for a couple more hours. Because of the wind, I went to a place on the lake I wouldn't normally go, and decided to throw a buzz bait in the dying lilly pads, and since it was the middle of the afternoon, I didn't expect much. On about the 12th – 15th cast, a monster came completely out of the water, crushing my buzz bait. I reared back, crossing her eyes with my hookset. I fought her good for a solid 45 sec. to a minute, and had her next to the boat. She laid on her side, showed me all of her, and then turned, and with one quick tail slap, she was gone. I came home and spent the rest of the weekend watching BamaBass topwater blow-ups videos to help ease the pain.

  2. Was fishing in a pond one time with a buddy throwing a squarebill around some underwater stumps during pre spawn. Hooked into a solid 4 lb bass, no trophy in my book. Fought her for a little while until she got tied up into my anchor. The line snapped and I was frustrated. I decided to relocate and re tie. I pull the anchor up to move spots and what do you know? The hook managed to snag into the rope of my anchor with the bass still on it. I grabbed the bass and got the hook out and still caught the fish! Luckiest catch I've ever had.

  3. While first off we had to start over on our channel because our old channel got hacked. So be sure to subscribe to our channel and spread the word out about our new channel. Now to the story I was at the river one night and was fishing for catfish. My line got snagged so I tight down the drag all the way down and tried to get the line to snap bit it wouldn't snap. I pulled so hard the whole rod and reel went into the river. So at this point I lost everything after 15 minutes goes by I decided to take my other rod and tie on a 8/0 circle hook with 3oz weight sure enough I snagged it too but whatever was snagged to it was coming in and it was my other rod. So I just cut the first rod and called it a night after getting my stuff back.

  4. It's all good, you still got it in the boat! One time I was cranking in a really grassy area thought I had a weed clump till 3/4 of the way to the boat I noticed it was a 4lber and it shook it right next to the boat… lol

  5. Had a very similar situation with my kayak anchor, which is probably a bit smaller than yours, but looks identical….after a big hit on a spinner bait, I found myself with my rod down, some huge fish making sure that my line and my rod were stressed and banging/scrubbing against the dangling anchor.
    Like you, I wrestled it free, only to land a 20 lb. blue catfish….line slime, destroyed midnight special spinner bait, dinged up the old Loomis, but a landed fish…and a lesson learned!

  6. Once I was using my Alabama rig for the first time and I set the hook on a 5 pounder and my reel came out of the reel seat. I tried to reel in the fish with the reel unattached, then I put back on the reel and the fish was still on. That's how I caught my first Alabama rig fish.

  7. At least you got him in the boat.

    When I use to smoke I was brim fishing and just lit a cigarette. The bobber went down and I set the hook then then the cherry of the cigarette caught my line right above my reel and melted the line and snapped.

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