1. OK this isn't working :(. No reply from emails. It keeps casting over and over then hits 10 and tells me it is auto stopping. any help…it also is casing my heal spells lol.

  2. i need a way to grind and get money to pay for subs lol. does this cost anything? if yes how much? i cant easily afford paying for wow.. also, whats the ban rate? how many people out of everyone who uses it gets banned? im on my work computer so, i cant click downloads or look up a website or anything, got to wait till i get home. also, is this still getting updated?

  3. This program works great guys, If you have trouble watch over the vids and read the help pdf and just observe and adjust and youll have it down in no time, not gonna lie im a slow learner and i learned how to work it fairly good in just one sitting.

  4. Awesome work you did there!
    It works perfect after a bit of configuration. 🙂
    I sent you an email, hope you'll unlock my trial.
    btw… why do you have this unlock-system?

  5. Download link made available in the description above. This is for version 0.9 pre-release beta. Once I get some feedback from people I will revise to 1.0 and make the full version available to acquire.

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