1. every time the line snaps u doom the shark to die in agony.. the hook will stay in his mouth and will cause him to die from infection or hunger slowly how do u live with urself?

  2. Not much footage with the Diawa BG. How much time do you have on it and is it holding up well? Ive grabbed a couple last year but I dont get as much time on the water as I used to. Just curious to your experience so far.

  3. I am a bit jealous Landshark. Not only because of your 2007 recap but because you were able to do one. My external drive crashed and I lost my video footage… all of it.

  4. Hi Victor,
    A Hello to all your Scottish Subscribers would be great. I know your swamped by messages but if this gets through then just great. We are there friend.
    Steve in Scotland.

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