1. 1 you think these fish are big but they are pretty small 2 all the fish will be DEAD if you keep holding them the way your holding them. 3 when your taking your sweet time to set the hook that bass is swallowing the hook. your a horrible fisherman. just stop now

  2. You're setting the hook like you're catching a shark or grouper. I don't think you need to be that aggressive. Everyone holds the bass by the mouth but when you bend the fish side ways then you should support its body. It's a shame your video could be more popular if you weren't such a douche bag.

  3. I live near a pond and have seen the bass drag small newly hatched ducklings under the water. A mother duck can have a bunch of ducklings and if she's not a smart mom and keeps them close to shore their gone one or two might survive

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