1. Well, according to the French, the days of the week represent the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn, in that order.

    Of course Sunday (“dimanche”) is the last day of the French week, where as Monday (“lundi”) is the first day of the French week, so I suppose for the French the week is technically represented as the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, and then the Sun.

  2. American here, Sunday is always the beginning, Saturday the end. Although in official offices and places of employment, they use Monday as the beginning, and Sunday as the end. Very weird. I prefer Sunday to Saturday as the week, even though it logically makes more sense that the weekEND should be at the END of the week. But meh

  3. God called Sunday the first day of the week, so that's good enough for me, and yes I know that most of the days were named after pagan gods, and no I don't care how much flak I take for making this comment. Loving watching you play by the way. I need to get this game.

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