1. Wait!!??? What?!?? Salmon from Costco!?!??!! I hope you guys were just tired of ALL the excellent fish Florida has to offer!! LOL

    Time to hook up with some Salmon fisherman for a couple of joint shows!

  2. Hey Darcie,  the best way to hold the Blue Crab is to lightly step on them with your foot, and then grab that back leg (the one that has that little teardrop tag on the end), grab it right where the leg connects to the body, and they cannot get you with their claws. Give it a shot the next time you get one in your trap.. I know you can do it..

  3. awww man! Brian! You missed the Girls Gone Wild !?! That could have been the Darcizzle Edition or centerfold of next calendar 🙂
    Oh yeah THAT was a great combo of sunset and your LED lighting.
    Yep! Brian knows the ancient creed "Red at night Sailors delight…Red in morning Sailors warning"
    OMG…what the…?…is that Smurfette (8:57)…she looks so much better in REAL life.
    Good job guys. Yes Darci I like asparagus the same exact way.
    How do you feel about the Stone Crab experience…has it been what you thought it would be?
    Thanks for making and sharing video. Will you be visiting Keys next few Months before Summer?

  4. I would have found a way to put the blue crab in a pot! The great thing about Florida fishing once in a while you get to see some boobies going by. Puddin needs to keep an eye out! Have fun guys.

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