1. Old time followers of Extreme Philly Fishing (2011-2014) have probably noticed already that the Extreme Philly Fishing Blog is back in full force at http://extremephillyfishing.blogspot.com/. I would like to point out that, as a matter of fact, 2018 will be a year where I will focus primarily on the Blog and secondarily on the Channel! Thus, the YouTube Channel will become a "support" for the Blog posts. Don't worry, though, fellas…although the format of the videos may change a bit, I will still upload as much as I can. Also, you folks will still be able to follow my journeys through my creations. P.s. from the filming perspective, 1st to 3rd person switches (and vice-versa) will be prominent on my videos!

    I would like to emphasize that Extreme Philly Fishing fits in the "educational/community" category when it comes to social media. Entertainment will come second. Thus, the educational aspect of the Channel will not be forgotten! Videos starting this year will be packed with even more information, so that viewers here on the Channel will have more opportunities to learn when it comes to the sport of fishing and Multi-Species angling. I am working on getting a lot my language fixed as well, so this Channel can become even more family friendly.

    Thank you very much for your time, and I hope we all have a wonderful 2018! Tight lines and FISH ON!

  2. Bro! You need to bundle up more. I get tempted to go fishing when it's cold too, even while I am sick. And when I do decide to go while I am sick, I go overkill on the bundle up. Can't risk getting worse!

  3. Good stuff man just started watching your videos about a week ago like it man keep it up most people only post when they are catching. good to see someone keep it real and post a video showing that there's always a chance u won't catch anything. Just take in the experience.

  4. Well, it's called fishing not catching! EPF, it's nice to see you keepin' it real by sharing this video, even while being skunked. It has happened to all of us and it's nice to see a video not "edited" to be perfect. Keep up the great job!! Yes, I'm a sub 🙂

  5. Leo, i forgot to mention … my husband sent u a comment on your recent video concerning your possible fishing trips for the yr … he will contribute $200. $300. to your trip if u decide to come to Redondo Beach , CA. I'm not into fishing so all i can say is that Redondo is a beautiful city n my husband says its great for fishing . Here is my Gmail if u ever need to contact us … feel free to contact us at anytime if u need info on anything in the Socal region .. we will be more than happy to help ? : xscape428@gmail.com.

  6. Hello Leo , wishing u and your wife a happy new yr with much success and all things good in the new yr . Leo , my sincere apology … my husband n i said we were going to send u something for the holidays but some serious health issues came up and we were unable to do so. We enjoy ur vids so much … u make us laugh all the time and so we will make sure to support ur channel. Take care of ur health Leo … without it life becomes quite difficult.
    With Love, Eddie n Jill.

  7. Dude nice name drop with seattle i grew up there we have no ive fishing in western wa maybe in the moutwins winter time equals salmon steelhead bull trout in rivers trout kokenee bass panfish in lakes during winter salmon in the salt.

  8. I did some winter creek fishing myself this week in Alexandria, VA. No fish either, but nice to be outside anyways. I always say, you can only get skunked by your attitude – fish or no fish.

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