1. I have never caught a pike or a Mushie when ice fishing here in Michigan. I've caught tons of them in the summer, trolling, that's why I quit ice fishing, because of the pike and Muskie, lack of. Another thing, it doesn't look like they're using steel leaders either, must be some pretty tough line.

  2. Werner Herzog needs to be narrating this. I got to give it to these foreigners when I watch my fellow Americans keep fish I kind of get the feeling that some of the fish are going to waste and they will never be eaten. Not these guys.

  3. This video says that the spectacle is not for the weak hearted. The weak hearted are people who torture and cause unnecessary pain to animals, their hearts are weak for not being to contain themselves and respect the life of a creature that they believe to be insignificant, because there heart is weak and cannot take on further understanding.

  4. sometimes i think the russians are worst then asians. They keep anything and poach like a mother fucker. They love eating caviar and here we have a problem with them cutting sturgeons and keeping the eggs while throwing the fish back. There's been couple russians restaurant that have aready been busted for buying sturgeons eggs and poach fish….

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