1. Don't use a trailer hook, I've had several buddies gravely wound fish in the gills with the hook set because the trailer hook came around and screwed them in the side. If you aren't looking to hurt the fish you catch, then don't use a trailer hook..

  2. I got a question, I have just barely started to get into fishing, the few times I have gone fishing I've always used a bobber and live bait, would the bobber work with these baits or do you not use bobbers?

  3. Just curious you were fishing with a colorado blade and then said you were going to switch to a colorado blade, just trying to get this spinnerbait thing down. I fish with 11" rubber worms or smaller, crankbaits. still need work on spinnerbaits, caught a few on them, but not as many as I want to.

  4. +LunkersTV can you make a vid on how to properly trim the skirt or could someone tell me I'm sorta new to spinnerbait, always fished a Texas rig until I heard you can absolutely kill bass with spinnerbait if your good at it..

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