1. Perhaps it was due to the hazards of breathing lead fumes. Do this ONLY in a well ventilated area. It will get to you. I do greatly appreciate your videos. Can you change the tittle to take out the "WARNING"?

  2. The only problem I have with this system: You only have !ONE! Vertical Jig Variation and you pay 50 bucks for it… plus it's work. Naah I'll pass. Cool for weights though..

  3. Yes bro…… talk about how to reached out to companies and how much should you charge if you get approach with a video sponsor.. I been getting a few offers a month from different companies. Hope to heard back…. I am a long time subscriber and love your videos because you keep it real

  4. I've been doing some research and I believe I have the basics for making my own lead weights. The links are very helpful. However, if you get a chance would you show all of us the process you use or have tried. I think that would make a great tutorial video. Thanks again, and, yes, I'm staying as salty as I can!

  5. When he said "older/ long time subscribers" I felt that. Didn't realize I've been supporting you for a long time and I'll continue to support you as long as you keep up the awesome content. Good stuff Vik can't wait to see what the future holds.

  6. Be smart, good advises
    I do the same, a few times a year I make things I use for the next 12 months.
    Almost everything.
    You dont need all that fancy stuff the industry wants you to buy, make it simple and easy.
    The industry does it for a reason, money…

    I fish cheap, and my goal is to fish as cheap as possible.
    There are so many stuff people have in their tackle boxes that you actually dont need.
    I love it when others lose expensive new lures. And I love to tell them that what Im using only cost about 10 % of what he just lost… haha well he smiles but is not happa at all about it.
    And the second best is, I catch much more then him.
    Buy you molds make your jiggheads, make your own sabiki rigs, bottom rigs etc
    For fishing to be fun it must be cheap.
    I spend money on panties and stuff for my mistress instead of throwing money into the sea, or lake or river etc haha.

  7. That's awesome I've been making my own red drum and shark rigs for when I go fishing in the Outer Banks of NC, which i can make for about a buck a piece, beats getting them for 3 or 4 bucks a piece at the tackle shop, definitely a good way to save money!

  8. great plan for tackle Tuesdays…not just the lure….but HOW TO MAKE them!! start with the sinkers and then move into the lures. I saw that because it provides a walk before run mentality. Gotta melt lead either way. I really look forward to the bucktail series. As a fly tier, this is a natural extension to that. And yes..there is a special pride when your catching fish on stuff you made vs buying it.

  9. Yes Victor great that you have access to companies that sell products to increase your productivity in fishing especially when you lose equipment and your right fishing is not cheap more and more companies are making and selling these equipment to new anglers and sometimes new anglers just buy because they anglers like yourself with all these different equipment but overall in the end you would save money especially with lead….

  10. Thank you for your videos. I have been casting my own lead for the past 3 years. I have the flutter and a CNC jigging mold and they cast well only with soft lead not with tire lead. The ultra minnow bucktail mold are great for snooks. Can I make flair hawk jigs using the do-it molds or do I need to get an expensive CNC mold?

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